November 19 , 1999


Mr. William Bush, Arkansas Geological Commission
Ms. Susan Cromwell, Department of Information Systems
Mr.Cecil Davis, Department of Arkansas Heritage
Mr. Randy Jones, First Electric Cooperative Corporation
Mr. Fred Limp, CAST
Mr. Duane Reel, City of Jacksonville
Ms Shirley Sandlin, Benton County
Mr. Jubal Smith, Entergy Corporation, Inc.
Ms. Phyllis Smith, UALR
Mr. Jim Wells, Wellsco Graphics Solutions
Ms. Suzanne Wiley, UAM

Not Attending

Mr. Phil Schoettlin, Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce

Special Representatives

Mr. Shelby Johnson, State Land Information Coordinator
Karen Howard, Liaison - GIS Users Forum


Michael O'Connell, Pixxures
Brian Culpepper, CAST, UAF
Rob Cunningham, Louisiana State University
Max Falls, US Forest Service
Ray Fox, USGS / Mid-Continent Mapping Center
David Gisclair, LOSCO / Office of the Governor of Louisiana
Greg Hay, Arkansas Forestry Assoc./Forest Practices Commission
Stephen Hebert, 3001
Steve Jones, ADED
Mike Mitchell, AGFC
Rodger Phelps, 3001
Pam Smith, NRCS


The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. in the 2nd Floor Conference Room, MAC Building, in Little Rock. Minutes from the last meeting of October 7, 1999, were unanimously approved.


Report from the State Land Information Coordinator

Shelby Johnson gave an update of the activities of his office. He explained that the satellite image purchase was ready to get underway, with ten different cooperating groups, both federal and state agencies. He went over a number of key issues that have occurred over the month.

  • Presentation at the Governor's Cabinet Retreat

  • GIS Day Planning

  • Presentation to the Committee on Advance Communications and Information Technology regarding GIS Day

  • ERSC presentation coming up regarding electronic records and GIS issues

  • Color Infrared Photography project

  • Working to hire extra help position for assistance

  • FGDC has recognized the LIB as coordinating council for national spatial data infrastructure, et al, for the State of Arkansas

  • Governor's Wish List

  • Governor's Executive Order for all state agencies, boards and commissions to cooperate with the LIB on GIS objectivesissues

  • GIS Day Proclamation was issued

  • Governor has asked Don Melton to work closely with the Board on GIS issues

  • Audit and staff requests are pending

GIS Day Report

Suzanne Wiley pointed out that November 19 is GIS Day in Arkansas as proclaimed by the Governor. She explained that the LIB would be hosting a group of legislators in the afternoon and that there is an exhibit in the Rotunda highlighting GIS projects from around the state.

Governor's Retreat

Bill Bush explained that Shelby Johnson gave a very nice overview presentation regarding the LIB and other activities. He felt that the agency directors were well informed. Regarding the possibility of a statewide GIS audit, he recommended getting a letter out to all the agency directors as to a timeframe and ask that they reply with a contact name for this process.

Suzanne Wiley asked if the LIB Audit Committee had made any progress regarding a questionnaire. Randy Jones explained that professional consultation would be helpful to draw up the questions, which would take some funding. He said that the Audit Committee had put the questionnaire on the back burner while this avenue is explored. He explained that they were starting to work on a mailing list for an audit mailing.

Governor's Technology Initiative

Susan Cromwell passed out a diagram depicting the different strategic pieces of Arkansas' technology planning that presents a direction for the next legislative session. She explained that one category of planning is key state projects that have been defined by legislation and that require multi-agency integrated efforts, which includes the public safety radio network, distance learning, workforce investment, spatial technology, criminal justice information, etc. Another category of planning is represented by community coalitions and she explained that through outreach efforts, specific communities are starting with collaborative work. This is entailing identifying the communities, having them work toward the development of local infrastructures to support themselves, and then achieving connection to the state backbone. Ms. Cromwell explained that Nortel Consultant Service has been contracted to apply a strategic planning process to all these efforts. All these efforts will support the integration of the state backbone network resources out to all communities in the state.

Susan then mentioned that Suzanne Wiley, Jim Wells, and Shelby Johnson attended an orientation session on November 15 that was given by Nortel in order to assess whether this process would have any pertinence to the Land Information Board. Suzanne Wiley explained that the Land Information Board is being invited to a special series of training sessions being presented by Nortel Consultants on December 9th. She felt that this will help the Board clarify its strategic plan and vision, as well as getting the message out to other Boards, Commissions and Agencies regarding what technology can do for them. She encouraged the members to attend this training session.

Introduction of Governor's Senior Technical Advisor

Suzanne Wiley introduced Don Melton, Governor's Technical Liaison, to the members of the Board. Mr. Melton explained that technology issues will be the centerpiece of the Governor's legislative package in 2001 and that it is his responsibility to try to get a handle on all the technology issues and come up with a plan that is logical and achievable.

Color Infrared Photography

Suzanne Wiley explained that at the GIS Users Forum Conference following Ray Fox's presentation, the possibility of Color Infrared Photography for Arkansas was discussed. In October there was a second meeting regarding this subject. Various interested agencies were involved in that meeting and some representatives from Louisiana came to the meeting and spoke about their state's efforts.

Pam Smith from NRCS explained that interest was raised regarding an innovative partnership. She explained that the national office was receptive, with the requirement that NRCS, the Forest Service, and FSA would have to sign a letter of intent towards a state partnership, with a state agency leading. It would be a 50/50 split between the feds and the state. The total would approximately $386,000 to be split between the state and the feds, which would strictly cover the flight costs. Pam explained that a commitment would have to be made soon by the state for a 2000 NAPP flight or 2001.

Suzanne said at the October meeting it was agreed to pursue this issue further, which is why it had been brought before the Board. She recalled that Act 914 of 1997 mandates the Board to cooperate with the USGS in the development of digital data, as well as the mandate to identify issues, problems and solutions in implementing an overall land and geographic resources program. She pointed out that this is an issue that will affect federal partners, state agencies, cities and counties so the LIB is in the position of making the best decision to provide a solution for the state.

Committee Reports

Phyllis Smith said the Funding Committee had been unable to meet due to scheduling conflicts.

Jubal Smith reported that the Communications Committee planned to meet that afternoon to discuss ways to publicize the LIB and the State Land Information Coordinator. He explained that he had sent information to the media regarding the GIS Day events that were scheduled.

The Legislative Committee has been unable to meet.

Susan Cromwell said that the Strategic Planning Committee had not met, but reminded the LIB that the whole Board will be meeting on December 9th regarding planning. She asked the members to reexamine the existing strategic plan draft prior to that date and try to come up with issues that need to be considered regarding tactical planning.

New Business

Suzanne Wiley welcomed and introduced Fred Limp, Director of CAST, as a new LIB member.

Ms. Wiley explained next that two vendors were there to give presentations regarding options providing NAPP data and DOQs for the state. She introduced Stephen Herbert and Rodger Phelps from the 3001 company and they went through their company presentation for the Board and guests. The second presentation was given by Michael O'Connell from the Pixxures company.

Following the vendor presentations, Ms. Wiley invited Ray Fox of the USGS to give an overview. He explained that he spoke before the GIS Users Forum and talked then about how the USGS was planning to fly new NAPP imagery in 2000 in black and white. He said that he received feedback from the attendees that the state was interested in color photography. Mr. Fox explained that if the state does not want the USGS to fly Arkansas this flying season in black and white, they needed to know as soon as possible. He understood that the state might need to delay in order to get funding arranged for color photorgraphy, and he emphasized that the USGS will do what the state wants. He said they could do the DOQs either through a standard cooperative agreement with the USGS or through an innovative partnership. He said that the bottom line is that the innovative partnerships are cheaper for them and the state gets something it wants because it's managing the project. Mr. Fox emphasized that the Board and agencies would need to let his agency know as soon as possible what the state wants to do so that the USGS can plan for it.

Suzanne Wiley then invited the LIB to discuss the color infrared photography project. She stressed that the Board needs to decide what to do in regards to the project and explained that if the state chooses to go with an innovative partnership, the USGS will take the state off the bid list for black and white photography and the state will have to contract with a vendor for whatever product is decided to be the best for the state.

Discussion followed regarding the photography options for the state. Following this discussion, Shirley Sandlin made the motion that the USGS be notified that Arkansas does not want to be included in the aerial photography for the Year 2000, but that they keep the state on the list for 2001. The Board continued discussion regarding this motion.

The Board recessed for lunch with the legislators at noon and reconvened at 2:30 p.m.

After a brief discussion, the Board returned to the motion on the floor which was retracted. Susan Cromwell then made an amended motion to pursue color IR imagery for the state. Shirley Sandlin seconded the motion, a vote was taken, and the motion passed with Jim Wells abstaining and Bill Bush opposing.

It was decided that the state would asked to be removed from the USGS list for the Year 2000 for black and white photography, but that the state would like to remain on the USGS list for 2001 either for black and white photography or for a partnership for infrared photography.

Fred Limp next made a motion that the Board will do the research necessary to identify exactly what the data requirements are for various communities, what the cost will be, and will have a plan in place to initiaite an effort to find out what the state needs to do by March 1999. Randy Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

It was next decided that an audit was the next step to do the best job for the State of Arkansas and funding sources were discussed. Bill Bush stated that the Governor's Office should be made aware of the priority of the audit and that funding is necessary; the costs of the CIR photography; and the costs of the DOQQ costs; and the time frame for the projects. Mr. Bush suggested that it might be possible to put funds for the USGS black and white photography into the CIR photography.

Fred Limp agreed to pursue vendor quotes for costs involved in CIR photography and will get the information to the members as soon as possible.

Shirley Sandlin made the motion that Mr. Bush pursue the possibility of carrying the USGS black and white photography funding over into the CIR photography. Phyllis Smith seconded the motion. The motion was carried unanimously.

Phyllis Smith suggested that the Board carry out a sample cost/benefit analysis of a local community in order to give hard figures to the Governor's Office regarding the benefits of the CIR photography.

Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for December 9, with the location to be announced as soon as it is available.

The meeting was then adjourned.