March 19, 2002


Mr. Bill Bush, Arkansas Geological Commission
Mr. Chris Boudreaux, Conway Corporation
Mr. Randy Jones, First Electric Cooperative Corporation
Mr. Mike McGibbony, Department of Information Systems
Mr. Earl Smith, Ark Soil & Water Conservation Commission
Ms. Phyllis Smith, U of A at Little Rock
Ms. Suzanne Wiley, U of A Cooperative Extension Service
Mr. Jubal Smith, Entergy
Ms. Susan Cromwell, Fayetteville Public School District
Dr. Fred Limp, CAST
Ms. Shirley Sandlin, Benton County Assessor

Not Present

Jim Wells

LIB Advisory Panel

None Present

Arkansas Geographic Information Office

Mr. Shelby Johnson, State Geographic Information Coordinator
Mr. Learon Dalby, GIS Program Manager
Mr. Michael Laverty, AGIO Intern


Mr. Ivan Hoffman, Chair, Senate Concurrent Resolution 22 Sub-Committee, Arkansas Society of Professional Surveyors
Ms. Mickie Warwick, Chair, PLSS I-Team, Arkansas Society of Professional Surveyors


The meeting was called to order. The minutes of the last meeting of January 9, 2002, were approved with minor corrections and accepted unanimously.

Report of the State Geographic Information Coordinator

New Facilities

Shelby Johnson reported that since the last board meeting a lot of exciting activities has been underway. It was announced that the SGIO office has moved to the second floor of the Union Building at 124 West Capitol, Little Rock, AR.

AmericaView Consortium

Shelby reported that the Arkansas AmericaView Consortium has added two potential partners, The US Forest Service, Forest Health Protection Center in Pineville, LA and the Little Rock office of the Nature Conservancy. They are both interested in participating in the program. The objective is to pull the consortium together on paper with the formal MOU’s before the summer growing season. Hopefully by the May, June timeframe the actual consortium will be in place and the final dollar figures for each program participant and their level of participation along with the other requirements of the program will be laid out. USGS will be putting the infrastructure in place to make the MODUS data available. The MODUS data is a much lower resolution dataset but the revisit time is dramatically increased.

Shelby has made concerted efforts on Arkansas’ behalf to put together a strong education and communication program to stress to our Congressional delegation the importance and significance of this project as it is being rolled out from a national level. Prior to this time only Ohio and Texas and one other state have actually been funded through USGS. The USGS has had an interest in rolling out the program in several other states to increase the use and adoption of satellite imaging remote sensing, but have been unsuccessful in their bids to do this. The AmericaView consortium is operating in tandem with USGS to actually seek appropriation on behalf of individual states that can be added to the consortium. Shelby has made personal visits to Washington D.C. to make contact with representatives and key staffers. Mr. Phillip Owen who is on staff in Senator Lincoln’s office agreed to serve as spokesperson, educator, communicator on our behalf to other staffers in Washington D.C.

Learon and Shelby will be attending PCI training in Fairfax, Virginia. They will try and make additional visits to key staffers in Senator Hutchinson, Congressman Boozman’s and Congressman Ross’ office.

To date we have gotten commitments from Vivian Curry of Congressman Boozman’s office, James Savage of Senator Snyder’s office, and Corey Smith in Congressmen Ross’s office to write a letter of request to add Arkansas to the appropriation. This would provide additional funding for us to pursue this project.

Dr. Limp added that if the funding does come to the State, one of the aspects would be to aide any of the two or four year colleges who are interested in getting a remote sensing curriculum going. That would include working together to get statewide site licenses for remote sensing software and the AmericaView consortium participants could get good statewide software rates. This would mean the two and four year schools would have another piece of the involvement in addition to the use of data they might take advantage of. Dr. Limp added that MODUS capacity will be added to the system but consumers need to be identified. USGS is funding the ability to do it but the cost is $150.00 a day for each MODUS scene. Soon there will be sample imagery up in GeoStor so it can be viewed and determined if they are interested.

National Map

Learon attended a meeting between USGS staff and CAST staff March 25 - 30, 2002. The meeting addressed the behind the scenes of GeoStor. Several things came out of the meeting:

1. USGS realizes what we have to offer. There are things Arkansas has through GeoStor to offer to National Map initiative.

2. Several action items were agreed upon:

  • Technology transfer between CAST and USGS

  • USGS forming an MOU with LIB stating we will cooperate together.

  • Having two USGS staffs, resident and Arkansas - One would be housed at CAST and they would serve as a technology transfer, learning what CAST is doing, what is expected at GeoStor and how that relates to the National Map and then passing information from other pilot projects across the nation back down to Arkansas. The other staffer would be housed within the SGIO office. They would be coordinating with city, county and local governments, working on their framework data layers, getting standards in place and helping work through the technical issues.

Email was received from Mark Coppersmith, liaison, that conveyed they were interested in an MOU and everyone was impressed with CAST, GeoStor and all the GIS database activities going on in Arkansas.

Learon reported there have been numerous discussions lately concerning MPOs, Mapping Partnership Offices. After speaking with Barbara Ryan, Chief Director of the Mapping Center, it appears creating MPOs may become a possibility. Talks are continuing and strategy sessions are happening.

Digital Ortho Program

Learon has received a number of files from Pixxures. NAPP flying is being completed in the State. It is being reviewed by Jay Story at USGS and barring any rejections by him, we are done. We have delivered all files to the cooperators on the project. It is estimated it will be two months before all the data is loaded into GeoSto, but it is thought that data will be available as it comes on line.

I-Team Document

Learon distributed a draft of the Arkansas I-Team Plan. Several of the committee chairs reviewed and updated the plan. It is very close to completion. In regard to the survey requested by the board conducted via the Web, PLSS was ranked number one, Cadastral was number two and Elevation was number three. Learon stated that the LIB needs to adopt the plan so it can be placed on the Legislative Subcommittee meeting in May. Learon pointed out the major edits in the plan. He suggested the board review the seven recommendations from Mike Gardner, Chair, Geodetic Control.

Dr. Limp made the motion that Susan Cromwell be tasked with writing a letter of support in regard to Geodetic Task # 5. Randy Jones seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.

There was further discussion concerning the seven recommendations from Geodetic Control. Learon reminded the board that these items need to be agreed upon before the Legislative meeting so there will be consensus on what the board agrees to.

Suzanne Wiley proposed that number seven of the recommendations be eliminated It was agreed that the board would review the recommendations within the week and correspond by email. Mickie Warwick will then take it back to the Board of Directors, the ASPS annual meeting and the State Surveyor.

AGIO and LIB “Notification” Listserv

>It was presented to Learon that there was a need for something that wasn’t the GIS Users Form Listserv because everyone may not always want to hear about every intricate detail that the LIB is involved in. We have a new Listserv that is the LIB Newsletter. Learon will send out a message to the Form Listserv so that people will have an opportunity to join if they decide to.


GeoStor Development and Usage

Dr. Limp distributed the GeoStor Usage Status Report. He commented on the 20,000 downloads and reminded everyone in a traditional system that is about 600,000 data files. He reported that on the changes in the next release of GeoStor. One of the changes will remedy the difficulty with email. The process will streamline email making sure there are valid emails for everyone. This process will also make it possible to have a Security Teiring System. This will be available in April. Another change involves setting up a guest account. This will allow going in to see how things work without having to download data.

GeoStor Migration to DIS

Mike McGibbony summarized actions he has taken since the last meeting. In relation to hosting at DIS the initial start up cost would be about 300,000. It would cost approximately 50,000 thereafter to maintain it. He is exploring other options. He will meet with Axicom and explore the possibility of a barter opportunity. Other thoughts are Alltel, AR Department of Emergency Management and UAPB. Mike said he thought he could help with some economic and financial forecasting. He has built a financial model and would like feedback from the board so it can be completed and distributed. He requested feedback on intellectual property and technical qualities of the products and services. Dr. Limp announced that they now have an IP office on campus. Fred will get the contact name to Mike.

Susan commented that the business case for this project should be made in the same way all other major projects are done. Mike stated that by law all state agencies, boards and commissions must submit an IT Strategic Plan. Mike explained he would like to see this project mature and become valuable to Arkansas and it become its own revenue stream. Susan related that it is very important someone take this challenge because we can’t go back to the legislative session in January without that kind of sound business case analysis.

Dr. Limp opened discussion regarding hosting private sector advertising. He has positive responses from the commercial satellite vendors. Shirley Sandlin commented that there is a program similar to this working in her area. He requested the board discuss this possibility and decide if the board wants to take any action.

Board Decisions and Old Business

Request from Mayor of Van Buren

Learon reported that he visited with Brad Baldwin, City Engineer, Van Buren concerning how to get the city’s data into GeoStor. Learon suggested he make a formal request to the LIB. Learon read the letter from the Mayor of Van Buren requesting information on how to get this data into GeoStor. Learon strongly suggested that there be policy set to help guide them in responding to request such as this. Susan suggested that Kym Patterson be invited to the next meeting to talk about policy development.

Letter From Health Department

Learon also reported that the AGIO received a letter from the Health Department requesting the removal of direct access to public water source locations on GeoStor be removed and replaced with a message indicating that due to security concerns the information has been restricted. Interested parties could still learn the information exists and available upon request to the Arkansas Department of Health, Division of Engineering. The letter was received on February, 14, 2002 and it was decided not to wait until the next board meeting. The decision was made to contact CAST and have the information restricted.

Susan commented this should be the role of the State Security Office and the LIB should not make those calls based on the request of an agency. Dr. Limp emphasized that the board needs policy concerning these issues. Susan asked for additional volunteers to join the ASDI committee. It was recommended that Mike McGibbony join the ASDI committee.

Recommendation from AGIO To Adopt Standards

Shelby Johnson reported that the FGDC Metadata Content Standard is documented far and wide and has been in existence for a considerable amount of time and it is recommended that the board undertake the adoption process and adopt the whole content standard. Two distinct advantages are: (1) We will have a reference where we can point all of the different state agencies that are in the data creation mode to say the State Land Information Board has adopted this standard and you should endeavor to follow it and (2) it will ease and assist us in the event we follow through and do data uptakes for additional data that will be loaded into GeoStor. People who will be uploading that data will have those references and it will facilitate the data upload into GeoStor.

The data content standard dealing with facilities, infrastructure, and environment was discussed and it was decided to charge the Geographic Information Office to move forward and explore the training necessary to get the education to do the promotion work.

Learon informed the board about the data standards that have been developed by the CADD/GIS Technology Center of the Information Technology lab of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Research and Development Center in Vicksburg. The American National Standards Institute’s (ANSI) Committee for Information Technology Standards has approved the Spatial Data Standard for Facilities, Infrastructures, and Environment (SDSFIE) as ANSI standard NCITS 353. The purpose is to create a national standard for enabling the common collection and interoperability of spatial data by DoD facilities, and state and local governments. We agreed that Learon should take these standards through a working group evaluation and determine the appropriateness for implementation in Arkansas. Learon will initiate an assessment with the GIS User’s Forum and report back to the board the findings of that group. If the board agrees to adopt the standards, the AGIO will do the rules promulgation just as they did the GPS standards.

Prioritization of Layers and Approval of I-Team Plan

The board tabled a vote on the approval of the I-Team Plan because it turned out that Ron Metzner of USGS had conveyed that based on its submission of a rough draft, Arkansas had been accepted as an I-Team participant. The I-Team subcommittees will continue to work to refine their drafts. As to prioritization of layers, more work needs to be done, but it appears from the dynamic participation in the three I-Team subcommittees that cadastre, PLSS, and geodetic control will emerge as priority datasets.

GeoStor and SLIB Promotion

Jubal Smith reported on a media plan to roll out GeoStor. He passed out a sample press release for the boards review. He identified four possible plans, his preference being the one from the Governor’s Office, using the Governor and his media room, demonstrating the state’s new technology and a new platform. A GIS rollout day with an announcement to all media would provide both print and television coverage. Other options include a story in Arkansas Business with a feature promoting GeoStor as unique and leading the nation. The objective is to make the story news worthy to the public. Another option is to develop a press release and send it to a lot of the daily papers. Press in GIS publications can provide a lot of avenues as well as other forms of free PR such as the Municipal League newsletter, Association of AR Counties, and AR Economic Developers. An alternative to the media could be letters to all state elected officials both representatives and senators.

Jubal will continue to correspond with the communication committee and Kelly Boyd to see how we need to proceed.

New Business

Grant Opportunities

Learon reported a grant provided by the Pipeline and Safety Commission is being explored. Monies from that grant would go directly toward creating and enhancing the centerline file which is still going on.

Nominations for Mid-America Awards

Suzanne Wiley proposed that the board make some nominations and try to get some people from Arkansas recognized. Randy Jones made a motion to nominate Suzanne Wiley for outstanding GIS service. Susan Cromwell seconded the motion.

The board voted to submit the following for awards at MAGIC:

  • Outstanding Contribution in GIS Education: East

  • Outstanding Contribution in GIS Coordination AGIO

  • Outstanding Contribution in GIS Service GeoStor

  • Outstanding Contribution in GIS: Organization

  • GIS User’s Forum Outstanding Contribution in GIS

  • Individual: Suzanne Wiley

Further, the board acknowledged Suzanne Wiley for her strong leadership of the board and her involvement with the GIS communities and efforts in Arkansas.

GIS Certification

Learon stated that the board needs to aggressively look at and start reviewing the URISA GIS Certification Draft. It is at There is a move in the GIS community to begin to certify people as GIS users.

Legislative Issues

It was noted that funding and personnel issues need to be addressed by the

Electronic Plat Filing

Ivan Hoffman, Arkansas Society of Professional Surveyors gave a report on SR-22 - Electronic Plat Filing Project. He stated that surveyors are required to file in two locations within thirty days of completion of work. He indicated, as a practitioner, how encumbering it is to get this done within the thirty days of completion of work. He emphasized how beneficial it would be for the surveyors to file their plats electronically. He stated they are going to submit a formal report to the legislative committee with a copy to the LIB board concerning these issues. Hopefully a pilot project will evolve out of the recommendations sent to the legislature.

Future Meeting Dates

The board agreed to try to make the next meeting to coincide with the next meeting of the Advanced Telecommunications and Information Technology Joint Committee meeting.

Regular Meeting Times

The board could not agree on regular meeting times. Schedules are simply too full to know and other events that are scheduled by AGIO’s office cannot be moved.

April Joint Technology Committee

Susan Cromwell indicated she would inquire about the April meeting of the Joint Technology committee and get back to the board with possible meeting times.

Meeting Adjourned.