March 17, 2004

Arkansas State Land Information Board –
March 17, 2004
Don Reynolds Center for Business and Economic Development
Room 460
Little Rock, AR
9:00 a.m. – 12:17 p.m.

Board Members Attending
Ms. Phyllis Smith, U of A at Little Rock
Mr. David Hudson, Sebastian County Judge
Ms. Mary Kay Sullivan, Benton County 911
Mr. Bill Bush, State Agencies
Mr. Yancey Reynolds
Dr. Fred Limp, Director, CAST (Proxy by Brian Culpepper)

Board Members Not Present
Mr. Randy Jones, First Electric Cooperative Corporation
Ms. Suzanne Wiley, Higher Education
Mr. Mike McGibbony, Deputy Director of DIS
Mr. Earl Smith, Ark Soil & Water Conservation Commission
Mr. Russell Gibson, City of Fort Smith
Mr. Jubal Smith, Entergy Corp

Arkansas Geographic Information Office (AGIO)
Mr. Shelby Johnson, State Geographic Information Coordinator
Mr. Learon Dalby, GIS Program Manager
Ms. Leann Manning, GIS Intern

Ms. Tracy Moy, AR Game and Fish

1. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
The meeting was called to order by Board Chair, Phyllis Smith at 9:17 am. A Quorum was not present, therefore the minutes could not be approved.

2. Resolution for Jim Wells

A resolution recognizing Jim Wells for his service to the Board was passed around for signatures. Yancey Reynolds was welcomed to the Board as the new member representing the private sector to fill the Jim’s term.

3. Report from State Geographic Information Coordinator

Public Relations

Shelby spoke about the newly redesigned Web site and AGIO brochure. The Web site will go live within the coming weeks.

Shelby spoke about his presentation to the Governor’s Office concerning GIS/soil and water. Another presentation is planned with Arkansas Department of Emergency Management (ADEM) concerning an Emergency GIS Plan for homeland security. Learon is currently completing a draft plan for the Emergency GIS Response Plan and will be sharing the draft with the Board and ADEM for feedback. This implementation of this plan will call for ADEM to coordinate with us in the event of an emergency/disaster.
Amrut Khatri, Vince Guillet, and Learon Dalby will be participating in an exercise at Arkansas Nuclear One in Russellville to test the capability of technology in their field vehicles by monitoring radiation. This exercise will track the people carrying the devices. If the exercise goes well, we look for the response team to implement GIS.


The progress of the County Assessor Mapping Program (CAMP) is as follows:
• 64 counties trained and started in at least Phase I
• 13 counties in Phase II (polygon mapping of parcels)
• Total of 69 counties are participating
• Phase I data will be loaded into GeoStor for Cross, Conway, and Desha Counties
• Cross County completed Phase II (first county in AR)—14,000 parcels completed in a year by one person for Phase I and II

Richie maintains the status on the Web site.


The Arkansas Centerline File (ACF) Program is progressing smoothly as Vince is making regular contact with counties. The progress of the ACF Program is as follows:
• Clark County is soon to be completed
• Garland County is in progress and should be completed within the next 2-3 months
• St. Francis, Grant, Greene, Lonoke, and Searcy Counties are now getting started
• Vince is doing much research on updating centerlines and will be presenting on State NENA Conference on ACF
• Accuracy assessment testing is continuing—Stone, Clark, Bradley, and Saline Counties

Shelby stated that from what he could understand at this point, the Census Bureau is only going to take the map file of the ACF results to improve the TIGER file. The Census Bureau is not going to take attributes, only geometry. Phyllis stated that she can get a committee together to submit something to Bureau if this is true.

HAVA Pilot

Shelby showed a presentation of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) GIS Pilot in Madison and Monroe Counties. The purpose of this project is to create a centralized state-wide voter registration database. These counties were chosen to be the pilot subjects due to their rural nature (small voter registration database) and completion of the ACF Program.

Results—Madison County
• County clerk office relies on wall maps
• 99% match rate
• Errors were mainly data entry errors, addresses coded in wrong districts due to boundaries, or DMV errors
• All match failures were isolated to see what type of error occurred

Results—Monroe County
• 96% Match rate

A data entry state standard was suggested by Judge David Hudson to prevent errors and maintain consistency between attributes. Yancey Reynolds agreed that a state standard would be a good idea due to inconsistency between counties. Brian asked if there could be an incentive for standardizing data entry.


Current Executive Chief Information Office, Carolyn Walton, will be leaving for a position in the private sector. She will be replaced by Doug Elkins, former Director of Department of Information Systems (DIS). Claire Bailey will be taking his place at DIS.

4. Report on GeoStor and related projects

Status of GeoStor development and usage presented by Learon Dalby and Brian Culpepper. Handout showed most popular data sets. Top 10 downloads are for AHTD data.

5. Old Business

Interim Study Committee—Critical framework survey results
A full response from everyone but this has been delayed due to the HAVA pilot.

State GIS position description development—Bill
Position descriptions for entry-level, intermediate, and supervisor roles are being researched. Shelby stated the OPM is in the process of auditing job descriptions and they will more than likely go through AGIO and update job descriptions.

ADOP II progress—Learon
AGIO will be hosting two more vendors, possibly in May. Earthdata was hosted this month. ADOP is progressing, albeit slowly. Discussion arose concerning the Forum meeting in May and about possibly bringing in vendors; the Forum could vote on what they like best.

Advisory Council Members
Shelby will email the list.

6. New Business

Pulaski County Assessor’s RFP

Shelby handed out the letter in response to the Pulaski County Assessor’s Office RFP. He gave the background on the RFP. PAgis sent in response to the RFP but did not receive positive results. The software that Pulaski County is using is not OGC compliant to our knowledge. Can they share their data? The RFP asks the bidder to build existing data and Shelby states it will be a duplication of effort. Bill Bush suggested that AGIO be a mediator between PAgis and Pulaski County Assessor’s Office.

Phyllis Smith suggested getting a subset of their data. PAgis has requested a copy of the data and we have asked them to share with us.

7. Future meeting dates – April/May

The next board meeting is set for April 14, 2004, in the Don Reynolds Center for Business and Economic Advancement, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. The May meeting will be May 19, 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

8. Adjournment

Following the conclusion of business, a motion to adjourn was made by Bill Bush and seconded by Mary Kay Sullivan. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m.

Strategic Planning – Fred, Bill, Suzanne
Communication/Public Relations – Jubal, Phyllis, Mary Kay
Task Force for Legislative Action – David, Russell, Bill, Randy, Suzanne, Phyllis
State Agency GIS Position Descriptions – Bill, Earl