July 20, 2005

Arkansas State Land Information Board July 20 , 2005

AGIO 124 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 200, Little Rock, AR

9:00am - 12:30pm


Arkansas State Land Information Board
July 20, 2005
AGIO, 124 W. Capitol Ave, Suite 200, Little Rock, AR

Board Member Attending
Mr. Yancey Reynolds
Ms. Suzanne Wiley
Ms. Tracy Moy
Dr. Fred Limp
Mr. Russell Gibson
Mr. Ken Brazil (proxy for Mr. Earl Smith)
Ms. Mary Kay Sullivan
Mr. Bill Bush
Judge David Hudson

Board Members Absent
Mr. Mark Oudin
Mr. Bob Stanley
Ms. Phyllis Poche-Smith

Arkansas Geographic Information Office (AGIO) Staff
Vince Guillet
Learon Dalby
Kimberly Bogart
Richie Pierce
Shelby Johnson


The meeting was called to order and a quorum declared at 9:08 am by Chair Russell Gibson.

Approval of Minutes
Approval of Minutes for March 22nd, 2005 ASLIB Meeting:
MOTION: Suzanne Wiley moved to accept the minutes of the March 22nd, 2005 meeting.
SECOND: Bill Bush seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Report from Arkansas Geographic Information Office (AGIO)
Learon Dalby, GIS Project Manager, gave the report:

Shelby Johnson attended the County Judges meeting in El Dorado, AR. Shelby feels that the County Judges are starting to grasp the need for GIS and that there was a positive panel discussion about the need for local GIS. This has created several follow up contacts by judges.

Vince continues to complete accuracy assessments in the field to establish quality control for completed ACF data.

AGIO hosted a CAMP’in in the Ozarks meeting with the help of the Pope County Assessors office in Russellville, AR. All CAMP mappers that border the Ozark National Forest were invited. Tammy Hocut, GIS Coordinator for the USFS, attended and passed out CD-ROMs of her completed parcel mapping for the Ozark and St. Francis Forests, as well as the USFS’s spatially readjusted Public Land Survey System (PLSS) data for the Ozark National Forest. CAMP mappers that had data to share brought a CD-ROM of their data to give to Tammy.

Russell Gibson questioned if the AGIO knew of a grant available that would help CAMP mappers cover the cost for upgrading to an ArcINFO license for the purpose of having access to topologies, etc. Richie Pierce suggested visiting the ESRI Grant website to check.

FEMA Flood Map Modernization Program
Kimberly Bogart is still coordinating with FEMA, contractors, and the counties currently under study for the MapMOD Program. She is continuously working on local data acquisition and then formatting that data into FEMA’s Guidelines and Standards to provide to the contractor. The AGIO is still working on funds provided last year in a grant from FEMA for this activity. These funds were used for GeoStor, travel, and hardware acquisition. The AGIO has submitted a grant to FEMA for funding that would continue to support this project for this fiscal year.

Ortho RFP
The AGIO has completed the Request for Proposals (RFP) for updated digital ortho-imagery and sent it to the Department of Finance Administration (DFA). The DFA Office of State Procurement manages RFP processes for the state. They are currently reviewing it for release.

Differences between this RFP and the one from last year
The use of a digital sensor is required. The products will be 1m resolution true color or color infrared images, and an updated 10m statewide elevation dataset. True color may not be available for the entire state.

The AGIO decided to simplify the number of deliverables requested in the RFP in an attempt to eliminate confusion by the bidders.

The following details regarding the RFP were discussed:
• Resolution - The state will be covered by a 1 meter. This not only simplifies the RFP is also the most affordable.
• Deliverable - It is not expressly written in the contract as a 4 band product but it is expected due to sensor selection.
• Process - The AGIO doesn’t communicate with vendors until one is selected. The Department of Finance Administration works as mediator and guides the review of the bids. Once a vendor is selected, meetings are set up to negotiate with the vendor and state procurement. If negotiations break down for some reason the AGIO are then able to move into negotiations with the next highest ranked vendor from the list.
• RFP Schedule – The AGIO submitted an RFP for review to the DFA in early June. The AGIO would like to have the RFP out and a contract in place with a vendor by October.

AGIO Budget Report
The AGIO has received appropriation for the office, including salaries and hardware. Operating expenses were not fully funded but this is not a big problem, because all other areas were fully funded.

Aerial ortho-imagery was removed from General Revenue monies (money dedicated every year) and put in as general improvement (one time funding). The AGIO has received appropriation for $1,000,000. Senator Broadway was identified as a proponent of the ADOP project, and both he and DFA have said that the AGIO will receive the full amount. AGIO is waiting for confirmation about the money transfer. As of the time of the LIB meeting the money has not been recieved.

Also, funding for centerlines (ACF) was included in the budget requests a general improvement fund and $750,000 was approved. However, like the ortho-imagery, the AGIO is waiting for confirmation about the money transfer.

The following points and positions were discussed:
• Just because the Imagery funding was moved from a line item to a general improvement does not mean that in two years the AGIO can not ask for funding again.
• External support was gained for the imagery program through a presentation to school facilities group in the legislature.
• The legislature understands the need for reoccurring funding for imagery and centerlines but the best way to do this is to keep applying for it as a general revenue budget item.

Follow up to the Clinton Library Opening support
The AGIO has had a lot of follow up for our participation in the Support planning for the Clinton Library Opening. An article detailing the participating was included in the publication Geospatial Solutions.

AGIO Report on GeoStor (G2)
Work on G2 is progressing however not as far along at this point as initially hoped. AGIO has implemented an Oracle 10g system and, to date, have received a great deal of tech support from Oracle. AGIO has also implemented Safe Software (FME) for the raster and vector reformatting and downloading.

A demonstration of G2 followed. All of the data has been replicated from Fayetteville to Little Rock. The AGIO acknowledged CAST for their assistance in the transition. Metadata has been prepared for all of the data layers. The naming convention has changed to: Content, Source, Data name.

Sharon Baker from AHTD attended a demonstration and discussion regarding AHTD and G2 ensued. Ms. Baker was impressed with the Geomedia connection. The AGIO explained that they cannot provide a raster direct connect to Geomedia, but Geomedia users can connect to an image service.

Map Info works with GeoStor.

Data Backup – all of the data has been backed up locally. During production static data will be backed up monthly and dynamic data will be backed up daily.

The AGIO is presently working with Safe Software to formulate an agreement to handle multiple raster formats. The types of raster formats available are currently limited but Safe is working on being able to provide several more such as Jpeg2000, GeoTiff, Bil, ESRI Grid, ERDAS IMG.

Portal Tool Kit (PTK)
AGIO will be the first production users of the PTk which will connect to Oracle 10g. The tool will allow users to search for data, view by category, make a map.

The data in GeoStor will be organized like the data at www.geodata.gov.

AGIO did not feel that the original August deadline will be met for initial GeoStor deployment. Late September or early October is the new target date. AGIO plans to begin beta testing the system in the beginning of September.

Initial testing of the system with a colleague at the Department of Health has gone really well. The Department of Health will eventually become data custodians. This means that they will be the owners of their data and will be responsible for loading and updating their own data. Vince Guillet is working on connecting to the National Guard for a beta test as well.

Connection types available are direct data connection, image connection, and web map connection.

MOTION: Fred Limp made a motion for the board to recognize Vince Guillet and Richie Pierce for all of the advances that they have made in such a short time.

Data Loading - The AGIO submitted the following list of data to be loaded for Board approval:


All AHTD layers (updated / maintained)
DRG_24K_HSHADE = Data created by UAM

ADDITIONAL SOILS LAYERS (as they become available)
NEW LAND-USE / LAND-COVER LAYER (as they become available)

• AHTD has agreed to supply updated layers and after meeting with Sharon Baker, the AHTD has stated they really want to provide new data and they want to keep it updated
• The AGIO mentioned to Sharon Baker that like the Department of Health they would like the AHTD to become custodians of their own data. To which they have agreed to.
• AHTD has agreed to provide 53 datasets. The AGIO has worked on identifying which layers that other state entities are collecting such as hospitals by the Dept. of Health and school locations collected by the facilities group so that there is less overlap and redundancy of data layers.
• AHTD has asked AGIO to put all roads together into one file with the type coded in the attribute file. Point features such as bridges, churches, etc will also be collapsed into one file using the attribute table to include codes to allow the types to be pulled out.
• Other data AHTD is willing to provide is average daily traffic counts, updated city boundaries and historical data.

Approval of Data Load List
MOTION: Fred Limp moved to accept the list of data for loading into GeoStor. SECOND: Suzanne Wiley seconded the motion. The motion carried.

AGIO provided the following items for the Board to consider:
• Does the board need to set policies about use of G2?
• Should there be a policy about who can build an IMS off of the system?
• As far as the AGIO knows no one else has implemented Policy settings for a service of this type
• Learon suggested that as long as the AGIO budget allows that we should try to host GeoStor Internet mapping services at no fee to state agencies, but agencies might need to contract with those capable to build the applications.
• Marketing this system will generate public support and this will help AGIO with its funding.
• AGIO wishes to encourage other agencies to build on this system which would really help to generate continuing support of the system
• There are still days and weeks involved in cleaning up of the data entered for GeoStor
• The AGIO is encouraging data providers to become custodians. This would leave it up to the data owners to clean and update their own data, but there are some datasets that won’t necessarily be owned by someone and the AGIO will have to work to check this data over for loading into GeoStor
• As far as the AGIO knows there are no licensing agreements related to the number of direct connects to the system. Some products other than Oracle might have hidden max limits of connections, and the AGIO is going to check into this issue

Potential Grant funding options for ACF money ($750,000)
Part One - How to grant money?
Part Two - How to apply for money?
Part Three - What is the selection process?

Considerable discussion took place regarding logistics and mechanics of developing a road centerline grant program for the counties in the state. Following the passage of ACT 1800 of the 85th General Assembly it appears there may be some funding to develop such a program. Staff from the AGIO reported to the Board that as of yet the Department of Finance and Administration has not told the Office how much funding will be received. The Act appropriated $750,000 but that amount may not be fully funded. Board members worked for several hours during their meeting discussing how they might develop such a program providing insight and direction to the AGIO. The discussion was brought to a close when the Board directed the Office to prepare a grant program and package details to bring before the Board for final approval.

The following decisions were made regarding the ACF Grant Program:
• Only counties can apply for the grant program
• Only counties that do not have road centerline data in the state standard (published in GeoStor) can apply for the grant program
• There will be 2 or more rounds in the application process
• Require the quorum court to pass a resolution authorizing the county judge to apply for this grant – The AGIO will be able to provide them with the wording that they can use
• Application will require signatures from County Judges and all addressing entities in the county to sign on to the project
• The funds can be used in any way the county sees fit as long as it pertains to the creation of centerlines for the county
• Counties who do not have 911 addressing are not eligible for the grant
• The board decided to base the grants off of a set amount for each county based on the number of road miles per county at $18 dollars per road mile.

MOTION: Fred Limp moved that only those counties which voted in accordance with Arkansas Code 12-10-318 of the Arkansas Public Safety Communications Act of 1997 to authorize local fees for Emergency 911 service be eligible to apply for the grant.
SECOND: Judge Hudson seconded the motion. The motion carried. Russell Gibson abstains from vote.

MOTION: Judge Hudson moved for the AGIO to create an application packet for the grants, subject to final review by the board and final approval (through a conference call). SECOND: Yancey Reynolds seconded the motion. The motion carried. Russell Gibson abstains from the vote.

Future meeting dates
August, 24st, 2005 10am, teleconference
October 26th 9:30am, AGIO office 9th floor, ACF review
November 1st 6pm dinner meeting at the GIS Users Forum meeting

The higher education appointments from Governor’s office include Phyllis Poche-Smith and Dr. Fred Limp

Suzanne Wiley terms out in August

Future Board Meeting Considerations
Strategic Planning
Shelby suggested that the board might need to focus on looking toward the next big goal. All of the previous desirables, aerial imagery, centerlines, parcels, are being met especially if we get the funding for Imagery and Centerlines as listed in this year’s state budget. He feels a possible goal may be cleaning up state wide Public Land Survey System data and there are many other framework data sets that need additional focus for the future.

Suzanne recommended that the board might want to think about having a meeting to focus on this subject, and not combine it with a regular board meeting. She also mentioned that it might be desirable to incorporate a facilitator for this meeting.

A retreat in late September for a strategic planning meeting was suggested.

Travel Reimbursement
For those board members that are interested in receiving travel reimbursement for meetings need to submit to the AGIO copies of their driver’s license and auto insurance card for book keeping purposes.

Comments from guests

MOTION: Mary Kay Sullivan moved that the meeting be adjourned. SECOND: Judge Hudson seconded the motion. The notion passes. Meeting adjourned at 12:30 pm.

Minutes prepared by Kimberly Bogart