June 11, 2008


Arkansas State Land Information Board
Minutes June 11, 2008
Held at the Arkansas Electric Cooperatives
1 Cooperative Way, Board Room
Little Rock, AR
10:00am - 12pm

Minutes with revisions from Phyllis Poche' and Dr. Rob Kissell.

Board Members Attending
Ms. Phyllis Poché - Chair
Ms. Tracy Moy – Vice Chair
Ms. Bekki White
Mr. Randy Everett
Mr. Robert Newell
Kasey Summerville
Judge Clayton Castleman
Judge Jerry Hunton
Dr. Rob Kissell
Jack Cothren, proxy for Mr. Fred Limp
Mr. Earl Smith

Arkansas Geographic Information Office (AGIO) Staff
Mr. Learon Dalby
Ms. Maria Baker
Mr. Glen Rhea

Advisory Panel Members Attending
Jeff Winter
Mike Daniels
Dr. David D. Thornburg
Bryan Steward
Sam Miller
Steve Haralson
Bill Sneed
Alan Price
Dharmendra Saraswat
Hanna Ford
Katy Hattenhauer
Matt Dozier

Meeting called to order by Chair Poché at 10:02am.

Board members and Advisory Panel Members were welcomed to meeting by the Chair.

Motion: Robert Newell motioned approval of the minutes, as distributed
Second: Bekki White seconded the motion.  No discussion, the motion passed unanimously. The minutes of the March 5, 2008 meetings were approved

Welcome and Introductions

National Hydro Dataset Report
Katy Hattenhauer of the Department of Environmental Quality reported on the project.  ADEQ is continuing to support the National Hydro Dataset Technical Working Group.  The group has met three times since the previous Board meeting.  This work group charter is to develop strategic recommendations for the state’s strategy on maintaining the NHD data set.  The NHD covers all surface water features.  The working group met monthly with a goal to deliver their final recommendations to the Board at this meeting.  Thus far recommendations were made regarding ponds, springs, and dams.  Stream naming and classification were two state level needs that have been identified and as of yet are unresolved.  The working group is maintaining a web-site where Board members can see progress. 
The ultimate goal is for the state to have a single GIS data set representing the surface water of Arkansas that will be used by all state agencies for decision and rule making.

Judge Hunton voiced concern over the safety of having some of the data available to the public. Bill Sneed stated that the data was already available in USGS datasets and that this was not considered a security issue.

Geostor Loads
Learon Dalby, Geographic Information Office recommended loading the following new layers onto Geostor:
          State Facilities as produced by ADEM.
          PSAP, Public Safety Answering Points.
Motion: Tracy Moy
Second: Bekki White
Board agreed both data sets should be loaded.

Claire Bailey, Director of Arkansas Department of Information Systems.
Claire Bailey discussed the transition of the AGIO under DIS and ideas for the future, including broadband networking and a State Data Center.

AGIO Report


Geostor system will be upgraded to 9.2 this year. In an effort to support the counties the move to 9.3 will not be made.

Work continues on the road centerline project requested by the Board at its last meeting in December of 2007.   The AGIO has worked with DIS procurement and Office of State Procurement to finalize details on an Invitation for Bid that should be released within the next few weeks.  This project will include road centerline mapping in Cleveland and Desha Counties and address conversion and mapping in Calhoun and Izard counties.  AGIO staff has worked closely with officials in the counties and all four counties are waiting for the project to be started.  Newton County was provided an opportunity to participate as well but did not respond.  Additional follow-up work continues with the final quality control on previous grant counties that have not been completed.  We are pleased this project has progressed to this point; however, maintenance will remain an on-going issue.

The AGIO is continuing support activities on the County Assessor Mapping Program.  AGIO is coordinating with the Assessment Coordination Department on a mailing to the assessors that will include the National Academy of Science Report “National Land Parcel Data, A National Vision”.  Accompanying the report will be copies of the program status map showing how well each county is performing in the program.  AGIO is also planning a mini training camp for the mappers working in the Assessor Offices to receive additional workflow and software training. AGIO’s goal is to provide as much technical and support services as possible to accelerate the program.

Seeking continued and sustainable revenue stream.

ASLIB Strategic Plan
            Phyllis Poche asked the Advisory Panel for feedback on the Strategic Plan.

          Bekki White made motion to adjourn meeting
          Randy Everett second
          Meeting Adjourned at 11:53 am

Next ASLIB meeting Sept 3, 2008

Minutes prepared by Maria Baker